Department of Trade Entrepreneurship and Logistics
Department of Trade Entrepreneurship and Logistics
Department of Trade Entrepreneurship and Logistics



of Trade Entrepreneurship and Logistics

The Department of Trade Entrepreneurship and Logistics cooperates with various institutions, specialized departments of other higher education institutions and enterprises.
The focus of cooperation is to promote the training of highly qualified specialists; carrying out research during the preparation of final qualification papers; professional development of academic staff; consultations; development of recommendations; development of new methods; joint publications and joint participation in international scientific and practical conferences, symposia and round tables.
The department has concluded an agreement on cooperation with the Ukrainian Logistics Alliance. ULA invites the academic staff of the department to participate in the work of  research and practical conferences on the development of the theory and practice of logistics; in the work of research and practical seminars and round table meetings on logistics issues.

Partnership development (2021-2023)

LLC "ZAMMLER UKRAINE" (agreement No. 27 dated 03.10.2022)

ZAMMLER pursues a policy of expanding the geography of the group of companies and implements uniform standards of service technologies in logistics and transport services.

ZAMMLER is a Ukrainian 3PL operator that constantly improves the quality and standards of Ukrainian logistics, promotes the development of the economy and international trade in Ukraine. Most of ZAMMLER's clients are international companies whose regulations require a European service standard. Thanks to this experience, the companies of the ZAMMLER group can satisfy the most demanding customers.

Software developer "ANT-Logistics"

“ANT-Logistics” TMS cloud service is designed to organize the work of transport services and mobile employees.

"INTEROKO" LLC (Luxoptica — a supermarket of glasses)

LLC "SK Fashion" (Retail)

Association for Transport, Freight Forwarding and Logistics Organizations in Ukraine "UKRZOVNISHTRANS" (Agreement dated January 18, 2021)

Association for Transport, Freight Forwarding and Logistics Organizations in Ukraine "UKRZOVNISHTRANS" unites leaders of the transport, freight and logistics industry. Its members promote fair competition between market participants, exchange of business experience, application of the principle of transition from competition to partnership, simplification of international trade procedures aimed at achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, guided by the principles of the UN Global Compact and the requirements of standards and technical regulations.

"Silpo-food" LLC (agreement No. 24 dated March 23, 2021)

Silpo is the Ukrainian supermarket chain founded in 1998, which is part of the Fozzy Group trade and industrial group. "Silpo" supermarkets are self-service stores, the range of which includes up to 20,000 items of food and related products, depending on the size of the facility's retail space. In Ukraine, "Silpo" is one of the largest retail chains, which has 297 supermarkets of various sizes in 2021, price segments and concepts, covering all regions of Ukraine, including all regional centers, including 100 supermarkets in Kyiv and the suburbs. The average area of the store is 1,200 m2. The number of employees is 40,000

НОВУС Украина — Latifundist.com

LLC "Novus Ukraine" (agreement No. 117 dated 12.30.21)

Novus Ukraine LLC is a dynamically developing chain of supermarkets, shopping centers and convenience stores. These are high European standards of service quality and business management. The NOVUS retail chain adheres to the philosophy of fresh, healthy and tasty products.

"EPICENTR K" EPICENTR LLC (memorandum on cooperation No. 5 dated January 24, 2018, valid until 2025)

The "EPICENTR K" group of companies is an omnichannel ecosystem that unites the "Epicentr" and "New Line" trade networks, the "Intersport-Ukraine" multi-brand sports store network, the "Epicentr-Agro" agricultural holding, ceramic tile production plants of the Epicentr Ceramic Corporation, woodworking production - CBM "Osmoloda" and logistics facilities.


LLC "UKRTRANSAGENT" (agreement No. 16 dated September 29, 2022)

"Ukrtransagent" is a customs broker that provides a full range of services for accompanying road transport at checkpoints on the state border of Ukraine. The company provides services for customs clearance of goods in various customs regimes: transit, import, export. The company's representative offices are located at all major road checkpoints on Ukraine's border with neighboring countries.

Decathlon Ukraine

DECATHLON UKRAINE LLC (agreement No. 43 dated November 10, 2020)

The company specializes in the development, production and trade of sports products for more than seventy types of sports. The Decathlon Company is the largest retailer of sports products in the world and has more than 1,400 stores in almost 60 countries. In addition, the company is a developer of innovative products, manufacturers and distributors of its own 26 brands, created for athletes from freshmen to professional.

Children's World Shopping Center (Agreement and Memorandum of Cooperation No. dated February 9, 2023)

Children's World Shopping Center is the largest store of goods for children in Ukraine: a wide range of children's furniture, toys, clothes and other goods from the best domestic and international manufacturers at reasonable prices. Children's world is a modern business model that benefits society.

остання редакція 06.10.2023