


General Information


Doctor of Economics, Professor, Active Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Scientist of  Ukraine in the field of science and technology, Companion of the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise IV and V Degrees, Companion of the Order of Merit III, II and I Class, Chevalier of the French Order of Academic Palms, Laureate of the State Award of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Laureate of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Award for the Development and Implementation of Innovative Technologies, Laureate of the M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for outstanding scientific work in the field of economics.

Bibliographic Indexes:

Google Academy

In 1972 A. Mazaraki is an alumnus of Kyiv Institute of Trade and Economics majoring in Public Catering Organization Technology.

In 1991 A. Mazaraki successfully mastered the Administrative Management program at Hagan School of Business (USA, New York).

From 1972 to 1975 A. Mazaraki was a research fellow at Ukrainian Research Institute of Trade and Public Catering of Ministry of Trade, USSR. From 1975 to 1984 he held the office of a senior engineer, a junior research associate and a senior research associate at the Council for the Study of Productive Forces of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

In 1984 A. Mazaraki was appointed to the post of Deputy Director of Research Work of the Republican Institute of Design and Technology of the USSR Ministry of Trade. In 1987 he occupied the position of Deputy Director General for Torhprohres Research and Production Association of the USSR Ministry of Trade.

Since 1988 he has devoted his life to the higher education working as an academic secretary, an associate professor of the Department of Trade Economics, Dean of the Faculty of Trade and Economics, First Vice Rector of Kyiv Institute of Trade and Economics. From 1991 to 1994 he served as the Rector of the aforementioned Institute.

Since 1994 he has been holding the post of the Rector of Kyiv State University of Trade and Economics, which was granted the status of National University by the Decree of the President of Ukraine in 2000.

A. Mazaraki is a well-known scientist in the field of economics, in particular, in the field of commodity circulation, strategic planning and management; an author of researches on the problems of developing effective state regulation mechanism of the sphere of circulation, substantiating methodical aspects of the foreign economic activity strategy of Ukraine, advancing domestic and foreign trade, tourism, hotel and restaurant business.

A. Mazaraki is an author of more than 550 scientific papers, including 63 monographs. He is an author and a co-author of 66 textbooks and manuals. A. Mazaraki is a supervisor of more than 100 scientific research topics, as well as those that were implemented with the general and special funds of the State Budget of Ukraine. He has supervised 36 Doctors of Sciences and 12 PhD candidates. A. Mazaraki provides scientific advice to doctoral students and research guidance to PhD students.

Mazaraki A.A. is:

  • Chairman of the Labor Staff Conference
  • Chairman of the Academic Board
  • Chairman of the Admissions Committee
  • Head of Civil Defense
  • Chairman of the Scholarship Committee
  • Chairman of the Quality Council
  • Chairman of the Scientific Expert Council
  • Chairman of the Methodological Council
  • Chairman of the Editorial and Publishing Board
  • Head of the Quality Management System (the system for ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education) of SUTE
  • Member of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  • Member of the Assessment Commission of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
  • Member of the Section in Economics subject area of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  •  Member of the Presidium of the Union of Rectors of  Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine;
  • Deputy Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Kyiv Higher Education Institution Center
  • Chairman of the Specialized Scientific Council D 26.055.01
  • Chairman of the Technical Standardization Committee No. 118;
  • Chairman of the editorial boards of scientific journals: “Scientia Fructuosa”, “Foreign Trade: Economics, Finance, Law”;
  • Member of the editorial boards of the "Economics of Ukraine" and "Economic Journal of Odessa Polytechnic University" journals;
  • Vice-President of ICC Ukraine for Education and Science;
  • Vice-President of the Sports Union of Students of Ukraine;
  • President of the Ukrainian Culinary Union.

At the university headed by A. A. Mazaraki, educates future professionals in 31 specialties at 71 Bachelor's level programs, 66 Master's level programs, 15 Doctors of Philosophy programs is carried out. 5 Bachelor's and 14 Master's programs are taught in English.

At the same time, a student has an opportunity to obtain education and be awarded with a diploma of the French state standard, a diploma of the English language translator ("Bachelor’s Degree"), a military rank of junior lieutenant.

A wide range of educational services is provided to ensure the fundamentality of basic training and individualization in training process. Permanent work is being carried out to improve curricula, to review the content of disciplines to make them comprehensive, to strengthen their scientific component in order to train professionals on the basis of a competence approach.

The university was the first in Ukraine to pass the international accreditation of the educational and scientific program 051 "Economics" by the Accreditation Commission of the High Council of France for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education. 4 academic programs received exemplary accreditation and 20 academic programs were accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education.

The Rector draws his attention to the consolidation of positive trends in strengthening the personnel potential of the university. Specialized scientific councils function in the university. The training of scientific and pedagogical staff at the university is carried out on the postgraduate program in 15 scientific specialties and in the doctoral program in 8 scientific specialties, which contributes to the reproduction of intellectual potential, the replenishment and renewal of the pedagogical and scientific staff, and the increase in the effectiveness of the training of scientific personnel of the university. A system of training of reserve post-graduate applicants among students who obtain the educational level "Master’s Degree" was created and is actively functioning by the initiative of the Rector.

The university is a modern organizational and methodical center for educational institutions that train specialists in the field of entrepreneurship and trade. Under the international standard IS0 9001:2009 (ISO 9001:2015) the modern quality management system has been created in the university. A complex automated information system of university management is functioning. International cooperation is actively developing.

The Rector constantly leads the university (among institutions of economic profile) to the first positions in international and domestic rankings regarding applications submitted by enrollees, employment of graduates, fostering publications of academic staff, free access to research activities resulted in scientific publications on the Internet.

The process of implementing measures to create favorable conditions for learning, comfortable abidance and living for students as well as creating inclusion friendly environment is under the Rector’s personal control.

остання редакція 15.05.2023